About Bowen
The Therapy
Originating in Australia and developed by Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982), Bowen Therapy has steadily become more accessible worldwide.
The Treatment
Bowen Therapy is a gentle hands-on therapy performed over light clothing either lying down or sitting. Using the thumb and fingers the therapist works over specific areas of the body in a series of rolling type moves that work across muscle, ligament, tendons and fascia, without force, pressure or manipulation.
The Breaks
Short breaks during the treatment session allow the body to process, respond and initiate the body’s natural healing process. Each session lasts 45 – 60 minutes with a case history being taken at the beginning of the first session. Initially 2 – 3 treatments 5 – 10 days apart are recommended and for more longstanding conditions follow up treatments would be beneficial. During the period of treatment, it is recommended that patients do not partake of any other hands on therapy as this may interfere with the body’s healing process.
Who Can Benefit from Bowen?
Everyone can benefit from Bowen Therapy: new born babies, children, men, women, pregnant women, elderly, sports people, and those living with chronic conditions or a terminal illness.
What can Bowen Therapy help?
The following conditions have been reported to respond well to Bowen: Joint problems, back and neck pain, TMJ problems, frozen shoulder, tennis and golfers elbow, sporting injuries, hamstring problems, headache/migraine, infantile colic, hay fever, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, MS, ME, PMT, fibromyalgia plus many more, just get in touch if you would like more information.

Typical health issues that Bowen therapy can help relieve