About me

My name is Jenny Edwards. I live in a small village just outside Hereford with my husband and our two teenage sons.
I have over 20 years of experience of working with children with special needs and autism. This experience has led to an interest in using the Bowen Technique when working with childhood related issues, particularly those who face the challenges of ASD, ADHD & ADD. As well as treating children, the majority of my practise is helping people to alleviate pain, reduce the symptoms of stress, and to stimulate the body’s own healing and detoxing process.
I discovered Bowen Therapy after the successful treatment of a frozen shoulder. I found the therapy deeply relaxing and over a period of time noticed that the frequency of migraines I have suffered all my adult life significantly reduced. Having gone with a specific complaint in mind, I was delighted to discover that Bowen is not about treating a specific condition, but treating the whole body both physically and emotionally.
My discovery of Kinesiology was also from personal experience. I had been suffering from a gut issue for sometime and a friend suggested Kinesiology. I knew very little about Kinesiology but gave it a go. The gut issue cleared up after just a couple of treatments and my interest in the technique developed. Resulting in me then going on to train as a Kinesiologist to support and work alongside the Bowen therapy or as a stand-alone treatment.
Qualifications and Continuing Professional Development
Bowen Technique, ECBS, September 2014
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, VTCT, July 2014
Reiki Level 1, Nicky Heath, October 2016
Reiki level 2, Nicky Heath, October 2021
Touch for Health Kinesiology, Proficiency, TFH, August 2018
Nutrition cert level 3, Diet Specialist, December 2019
Systematic Kinesiology, Foundation level, Kinesiology Association, March 2017
Systematic Kinesiology, Diploma level, Kinesiology Association, February 2021
First Aid Certificate, renewed every 3 years.
CPD Courses.
Basic Counselling Skills, NOCN, August 2004
Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST) introduction, October 2014
TMJ Bowen, Ron Phelan, May 2015
Identifying Red Flags in Healthcare. ECBS, June 2015
Spinal Workshop Bowen, ECBS, November 2015
Motor Nerve Reflex Testing, TMJ & Sleep Therapy Research, Dr Steven Olmos, June 2016
Understanding Body Fat, Metabolics seminar, September 2016
Lymphatic Drainage, Smart Bowen, June 2017
Detoxification, Metabolics, September 2017
Inflammation, KA seminar, October 2017
Hormone Balancing Bowen & Practioners Assessment Skills Mod 1, Ron Phelan, June 2018
Hormone & Hormonal Disorders, Metabolics seminar, December 2018
Kinesio Taping for Sports & Massage Therapists, Teach Therapy, July 2019
TMJ Foundation & Fundamentals training. The Olab/Ron Phelan, September 2019
Practioners Assessment Skills Mod 2, Ron Phelan, September 2019
Understanding the Immune System, Metabolics, September 2019
Anxiety and Depression, Epigenetics seminar, March 2020
Lymphatic Drainage, SafetoMove, December 2020
Sailing through the Menopause, Epigenetics seminar, March 2021
MSTR - McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release, September 2021
The Importance of Symmetry, Graham Pennington, September 2021
The Bowen Therapy Professional Association
Kinesiology Association MEMBER