The Treatment
Kinesiology is a holistic hands-on therapy that uses muscle testing to identify imbalances within the body. Working through light clothing either lying down or sitting, the muscles are gentle tested within specific ranges of movement against light pressure. This is known as Muscle Testing; the response of the muscle will then highlight areas of imbalance. These imbalances can affect the body structurally, emotionally, energetically or biochemically.
At the beginning of a Kinesiology session a consultation takes place. Identifying areas of concern, medical conditions, life style and contact details. Through the process of muscle testing, identified imbalances can then be addressed in a variety of methods such as: Structural release, Meridian balancing, Neuro-lymphatic massage, Nutritional advice, Positive goal setting or Flower Essences. This then allows the healing process to begin. The treatment usually takes an hour and after care advise will be given. This may include foods to be avoided or limited, suggested supplements to take, Flower Essence Remedies or Positive affirmations

Who can benefit from Kinesiology?
Kinesiology has been reported to help all age groups, from babies to the elderly, pregnant women, sports people and those living with chronic conditions or life limiting illnesses.
What can Kinesiology help?
Some of the many conditions that Kinesiology have reported to help with: Structural issues, Back pain, Low energy, Food sensitives, Digestive problems, Bloating, Hormonal imbalances and Menopause symptoms, headaches, skin problems, help in areas of learning and concentration. Anxiety, Stress, Bereavement issues, Life event changes and accelerated healing from illness, surgery or injury.
About Kinesiology.
Kinesiology was primarily developed by the late Dr George Goodheart, an American Chiropractor in the early 1960’s. Through his practise as a Chiropractor he became aware of the connection between Energy Meridians (used by Acupuncturists), Organ Systems, Lymphatic, Neuro Vascular and Spinal Reflex points. He observed that if these areas were out of balance, they could be detected through muscle testing. This was the beginning of Applied Kinesiology.
In the early 1970’s Dr John Thie (Chiropractor) and member of the Applied Kinesiologists embarked on making Kinesiology available for non-professionals to learn the technique. This was the development of Touch for Health Kinesiology. Touch for Health kinesiology is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure, nutrition and Tibetan Energy work.
See a 2 minute video clip demonstrating Muscle Testing, at the end of this page.

Any suggested supplements will be Muscle Tested specifically to your body’s requirement. All supplements I recommend are of the highest quality, free from filers, contaminants, non-irradiated and non-GM. Details on how to order will be given at your appointment.