Hormonal balancing
Balancing Hormonal issues with the Bowen Technique.
Not just for aches and pains!
Bowen can be very helpful for both men and women suffering the effects of Hormonal Imbalances.
Developed by the late Trevor Rose. While supporting his wife through breast cancer, and her severe reaction to the cancer treatment drugs. He worked with a Gynaecologist to develop a system of moves to help promote and balance the hormone’s and neurological system. This then went onto the development of further moves to help address other conditions such as:
Menstrual pain
Regulation of periods
Pre-Menstrual Tension
Fertility difficulties
Pregnancy support and birth preparation
Post-natal balancing
Pubic symphysis release PSD
Hot flushes
Night sweats
Mood swings
Vaginal dryness
Loss of libido
Bladder problems.
Pudendal nerve problems – also for cyclists
Enlarged prostate or night time frequency to urinate.
Loss of libido
Bladder problems.
Pudendal nerve problems – also for cyclists.
Babies and Children
Sleep issues
Hormonal Treatment Plan.
Your first treatment will involve making sure that the body is structurally balanced. If the body is ready, the following treatment, usually a week later, will involve the more specific Hormonal moves. These moves are applied over light clothing to the pelvic area, glutes, lower abdomen, kidneys, coccyx and jaw.
Fertility Treatment Plan.
Ideally both partners should be treated to ensure that the bodies are structurally balanced and ready for the Hormonal work.
Due to the nature of the work planning is required, to calculate the optimum treatment days, to increase chances of conception.
Treatments plans vary depending on conditions being treated.
For further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.